People who attend Dr. Shintani's webinars or online programs know me. I started this blog for them, but anyone is welcome here. I started this blog on July 27, 2023.
When I was 5 years old, my maternal grandfather died of cancer. That was nearly 70 years ago. In those days cancer was not common as it is today. My mother and her sister, my aunt, began looking for a better way, for alternatives for health and disease prevention. In those days there was not much information and the science was not good as it is today, but my mother did the best she could to take our family down the path of natural health and changed our family's fate. My father was an example of this. My father had 3 brothers. All 3 died in their 60s, from heart attack, stroke, or complications of diabetes. My father did not have chronic disease, did not need medication, and died at the age of 90.
I was educated and trained in podiatry. After graduating from podiatry school, I did a general medicine podiatry residency in a hospital. In addition to podiatry, I rotated in radiology, pathology, surgery, anesthesiology, and internal medicine. One day the internal medicine docs brought me to a man with a severely burned foot. He had neuropathy. He had been experiencing severe pain in his foot, but on the outside, his foot was essentially numb. Trying to relieve his foot pain he soaked his foot in hot water. The water was scalding, but he could not feel it. He told me he did not know he burned his foot until he saw he skin turn white and peel away. His foot was so badly burned the internal med docs believed it needed to be amputated. There were signs of infection. They asked me to take care of this man's foot until they could determine where to amputate.
About a day earlier, another man came to the hospital with a severely burned foot from soaking it in hot water. He too had neuropathy. He was given to another podiatry resident for care.
I treated my burn patient's foot for 2 months. The internal med docs never found where to amputate because, to their surprise, that foot kept healing until it healed completely and we discharged him. The other podiatry resident's patient with the burned foot went on to amputation.
I was given a couple of other patients at risk for amputation. They healed too. In training it's not a good thing if your patient heals, you do not get to scrub in on amputation or surgery. In a residency you need to accumulate hours in surgery, but I preferred healing people instead of cutting into them.
I decided to work with a like minded physician, Dr. Terry Shintani. Dr. Shintani wants to heal people, not merely keep them on medication for the rest of their life. His focus is on health, wellness, healing and preventive medicine. For 3 decades I worked with Dr. Shintani putting on programs, helping him get people healthier to get off some or all of their medications. We are not opposed to medication. We know people need their medication if they're not going to do anything else. Dr. Shintani's program is science based. We keep up with new knowledge and science. Dr. Shintani teaches people what to do to get healthy. I teach people what not to do in order to lower risk for disease and cancer. This blog gives some of that kind of information. I hope you will benefit from it.
Dr. D
July 28, 2023